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Showing posts from October, 2016


Katriel dear, I have been meaning to write. But nothing really stuck out for me lately. Until today. Today, my sister sent me a text. "The first miracle Jesus did was a miracle of luxury. No one would have died if that wine wasn't  made. His first Miracle was not healing, not deliverance. No one would have died even. Miracle of luxury!" She has been listening to Pastor Joseph Prince this one (The Grace apostle of our generation_ That's how I think about him). Then she continued and said "Pastor Joseph Prince talked about Jesus and walking on water. Peter later on walking on water as well; why? Was it necessary? Nope! No one was even watching; just the disciples who had already seen Jesus on water! So when Jesus allowed Peter, it was for Peters luxury!" I laughed so much and completely fell in love again with this God that loves me. I could think of a couple more scenarios where He plain outright just showed off you know? Like, you know I c

Something about His Presence - EMOTIONAL BEA

Hello Katriel So you know you how I was created in Gods image right? Which basically means at most two things, a. I do look like Him (you have to believe this even without admitting that my being pretty has no other explanation.) b. I function like Him. Its amazing how humans automatically act like Daddy God naturally. Like how we naturally want companionship; how we want appreciation. Like, who taught us that? Like how we have emotions. I am an EMOTIONAL person.  I dont mean to be. I dont plan to be. I just am seriously emotional. This means that I am going to cry when praying everytime Daddy God whispers to me. It means, I am going to be hurt and sometimes physically feel it when am around people suffering..It means, I can easily be hurt by what my close friends say.  So you know, I cant end up being cool with all these emotions. And I want to be cool, no lie. So I will calm down on the crying, hold on to a smile when I feel like just gushing out in tears. It me

HOME - Wild.

Hello Katriel, Its been a while. well, its been a long while.  I heard Gloria Copeland say the other day that "In consistency lies the power." She said, most Christians lack consistency, and that is when they fail.   I suppose that consistency is something to do with discipline; and I have a natural incline to rebel against such an order phrased phenomenon. Am wild.  But we working on that. Turns out Daddy God is as exciting as He is, with such order. Allowing me to see the probability of the two co- existing. it should have been obvious in the first place though, I take after Him. Yes, even the wild. Anyways, have you ever been so lost, you couldn't trace who you originally where, and exactly how you got lost? no? Yea, me neither,lol. On a serious note though, there is a beauty in trying to find one self. There is a beauty in standing up for something. There is a beauty in knowing who you are. And i find that I am enjoying the journey. I find myse