Its been a while. well, its been a long while.
I heard Gloria Copeland say the other day that "In consistency lies the power."
She said, most Christians lack consistency, and that is when they fail.
I suppose that consistency is something to do with discipline; and I have a natural incline to rebel against such an order phrased phenomenon. Am wild.
But we working on that. Turns out Daddy God is as exciting as He is, with such order. Allowing me to see the probability of the two co- existing. it should have been obvious in the first place though, I take after Him. Yes, even the wild.
Anyways, have you ever been so lost, you couldn't trace who you originally where, and exactly how you got lost? no? Yea, me neither,lol. On a serious note though, there is a beauty in trying to find one self. There is a beauty in standing up for something. There is a beauty in knowing who you are. And i find that I am enjoying the journey.
I find myself being able to listen to God. I find myself being able to be wild with daddy God. He is home. He is my hiding place. He is my safe place.
I was walking home yesterday, from work. It was so cold and windy, with some rain showers. It is when i struck a conversation with the Holy Ghost, and my Spirit caught on the illustration. When their is turmoil around me, I have one occurring thought, Home. If I could just get home, if I could just find time to hide in Him. If i could just get home and be in bed, if i could just be lost in His presence.. He is Home. He is Daddy God. And if i could just find a whole day to be Home right now.
Wild with words. Wild for Him. Wild to Him. cause i can consistently be wild.
A lover of His presence,
Ok. You remember God thats the good thing. Ecclesiastes 12:1-5.