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Dear Katriel,

Only Jesus really would have chosen someone like me.

I bet He was like
"That attitude, bossy, impatient, self centred girl - THAT ONE! I choose her"

I have lately learnt to be patient with myself - Celebrate my triumphs even more (Because they alert me to the my favorite part, which is Hope)

Hope maketh not ashamed....Hope for a better tomorrow.

Before recent adjustments; it was hard for me to reconcile Daddy Gods children to their behavior. I expected - Sometimes demanded really (Hence bossy maybe?), that at their being in His house (church), they should have perfected the art of being gods aka Children of the Most High. It wasn't so.

It wasn't so because expecting another to change is a frustrating and unfair situation to one. It should never be done. it should not be condoned.

We weren't called to it. 

As a an Able Minister of the new testament; I am called to a couple of things - Acting like the Holy Ghost is not on those things...

Its a self reflection (especially for me), when i am impatient with others, and when I am judgmental or when I am trying to 'change' someone. 

Holy Ghost be like, "Bea - You dont have that power yet,lol"
You know who does?  The Word and His Spirit.

Together they've gotten that Bea girl to be patient (To an extent,lol), to a pure form of love and submission (Where hurt and rebellion once reigned).

Dearest Katriel? Only Jesus would have chosen someone like me really. Only He could have loved someone like me "just the way I was"

1. Its hard, unfair, and very funny to expect the same sort of love and devotion from a human being though (I have a best friend who swears loves me, but is daily trying to 'change' me)

2. Its hard, unfair, and very funny to expect the same stature of Jesus in another human being from the word Go. They've got to grow into it - And whilst they are at it, they might stumble! Scrap,They will definitely stumble! And they will know it. And if they dont know it, its alright also - The Holy Ghost has got them. Instead of talking them down and reminding them again and again about their stumbling - A good sweet, pure loving is always in order!

I Missed you!


#LovedByTheOneILove #ChosenAlongWithImmaturity 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If it were mortal men on the throne, most of us would have been ground to powder already lol. This is a nice piece. Keep writing


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