It boils down to two questions, 1. Do you truly believe that God knows what He is doing? 2. Do you believe that His Word is true when He says that every person is fashioned for His Glory and is unique and outstanding in their own way? Leaders are chosen by God in church -whether good or bad - Judas and Saul were chosen by God. They are chosen to lead others - Not that, in themselves they are qualified so; but God has favored them and given them an opportunity to co-work with Him in that capacity. I say this as someone who has been under people who; I didn't understand why they had any right to lead me. To which God asked me the two important questions above, for when I felt the church had such unqualified and shady leaders in some places they had no right being. But I understand God - I understand the vastness of His Wisdom and foresight (He gives it as a gift for crying out loud). He is Wisdom. He is the End. To any leader above you; good and bad alike, you give due hon...
Sometimes I just need a break. From being a soldier in the Army of God and just revert to being Gods Baby. Dont judge. There seems to be a discrepancy in the two identities that I cant quiet sync and manifest. Some days - I am pushing the Gospel further - Because He came, and the world must know about it. Also, because He is coming again. But like T.L Osbourne says; there is no point in preaching about the second coming, when we haven't preached about his first coming (Paraphrased). In such days; I am all about Daddy's business. I will stretch myself and get what needs to be done, done. When you meet me on these days, you meet an army general with a soldiers heart. The harvest is plenty and the laborers are few -so I enroll and do the most, because the laborers are few. I enjoy these days. They are the drive, the passion and the satisfying days. Doing Ministry Work is like breathing. Yes, that serious. Then there are some days. Some days - I am Gods Baby baski...